Five Years On

I count blogoversaries from three different points – the debut of my column on the old BSG site in May 2000 and the start of my Blogspot blog in August 2002 are the first two – but as of yesterday I reached the five year mark of this site in its current form. It’s always an adventure, balancing the baseball/sports/pop culture and the political/war/law sides of the site, on top of all my other family and work commitments (and blog commitments, as I’ve assumed an ever larger role over at RedState, where I am currently one of the site’s Directors), but it’s almost always been fun. Thanks to everyone who stops by.

7 thoughts on “Five Years On”

  1. And thanks to you, crank, for spending your time putting together a site that has it all. Kudos to you.

  2. Crank, you have taken a lot of hits in the last few months for your comments on Obama. Keep up the fight, the world needs to see how shallow he really is. He really appears to be everything the the libs have tried to pin on W. Thanks for all you do.

  3. I’ve certainly enjoyed your efforts, and hope you’ll continue. Thanks much, hoss.

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