3 thoughts on “Your Sound Bite of the Day”

  1. Jimmy Carter, now the second worst president in my lifetime, is so easily the lousiest ex-Pres there ever was, it’s scary. Moving aside the fact the dimwit went on his own to North Korea, coming back with an agreement, (didn’t that violate at least the laws on traveling to SungVille, as well as conducting foreign policy when you aren’t the big boss?), or now, when he meets with thugs and murders, (Hamas is a terrorist organization even to the UN–now how could that be–they aren’t Jewish and they aren’t American?), I mean Jimmy Dimbulb still refuses to acknowledge that his so called accord with Arafat had less value than blank paper–at least you can write something meaningful on blank paper. (Hey, maybe he should have used the back of an envelope).
    McCain is right to put Obama on notice to condemn the idiot, even if Carter is supposed to be a Democrat. Obama was the one who rightly called to bomb the Pakistan/Afghanistan border if need be. The right answer from Obama, who is probably very tired, and pissed to boot should be, “Jimmy Carter is an ex-president, and his belief in world peace is well known. I applaud his belief, and when I am president I will do my utmost to see what can be done for the Middle East. Now can I have my damn waffle?”

  2. That’s pretty funny. Like Obama and Casey were just two guys trying to have breakfast, and it was in no way a campaign appearance.

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