Racist Campaign Ad Watch

Given that our betters have been instructing us again and again that it’s racist to depict or associate Barack Obama with white women, I have investigated and uncovered scandalous new evidence of more ads and campaign videos that have used this racist tactic. Read on for the evidence of this smear campaign directed at Senator Obama:

Obama ad, July 31, 2008

Obama shown with white women at 0:17-0:20
Obama campaign video, July 31, 2008

Obama seated on a stool between two women, at least one of them white 0:33-1:15; also flanked by many white women seated behind his podium.
Obama campaign video, July 25, 2008

3-minute video centers on white woman discussing what she likes about Barack Obama.
Obama ad, July 8, 2008

Obama shown with white women at 0:23, 0:28-29
Obama campaign video, July 4, 2008

At 3:27-32 and 3:51-57, video lingers on white women gazing approvingly at Obama as he speaks.
Obama ad, June 19, 2008

Obama shown with white women at 0:14, 0:25, 0:45-46; Obama also scurrilously shown with his white mother at 0:10-11
Obama ad April 2008

Obama shown with white women at 0:15, 0:23-24 (with his hand on her shoulder – horrors!), 0:26 and 0:28. Another white woman is shown at 0:04 but is compared unfavorably to Obama.
Obama ad October 2007

Obama shown with white women at 0:09, 0:13-15.
Obama ad September 2007

Obama shown with white women at 0:18, 0:25; also shown again with his white mother.
Clearly, this is all a racist conspiracy to smear Barack Obama. Please contact the Obama campaign and tell them to stop spreading racist images of Senator Obama with white women.

27 thoughts on “Racist Campaign Ad Watch”

  1. You can just tell he doesn’t like black people from those beady eyes!
    /sarc off
    (or do I even need a /sarc off line, I have been at the Ace site for a long time.)

  2. I bet you really think you are doing Americans a service. Actually you and your kind are setting American discourse back with your inane commentary as supposed controversies. Way to stick to the issues. Oh wait I forgot for Republicans to win anything this fall they have to run as far away from the issues as possible since they are inept destroyers of our economy, health care and foreign policy. Hey at least the war against the middle class is going well.

  3. Left field is right; this is clearly a distraction from the real issues. And it’s not helping Mrs. Obama’s children, either.

  4. Actually the June 19 ad raises questions as to whether Obama likes any women.
    I always said he dated Michelle because she reminded him of an NBA player.

  5. Left field, how are YOU sticking to the issues?
    You’ve launched baseless attempts, engaged in hypocrisy and complete hyperbole and that’s just in the two short posts here.

  6. “And it’s not helping Mrs. Obama’s children, either.”
    Yeah. They have enough to process already from the weekly hate whitey/hate America spiritual guidance at mommy and daddy’s church.

  7. Uh, Left Field??
    This is YOUR SIDES issue. You guys are the ones who keep bringing up race. And pointing out wherever there is a white woman in ad with a black man. BBCrank is just rubbing your nose in it. So don’t blame him, blame your Messiah or David Alexrod who determines what the Messiah will say next.
    Let’s see you write an ad which DOESN’T have any white women in it! Go ahead! And then you’ll be attacked by the feminazis for ignoring women.
    You LeftFielders just can’t be happy. Nothing that is done makes you happy except to see everybody else be miserable like you. You ought to be secretly thrilled then that we have $4.50 gas and a Congress which does nothing to help us.

  8. Left Feild, are you an blind?! Obama NEVER sticks to ANY issues, EVER. If he’s “attacked” he pulls the race card or it’s distracting from the real issues. By attacked I mean pressed or questioned about where he stands on issues….Obama is a ridiculous fool and he will NEVER be POTUS, dream on liberal, hippie commies!

  9. bpjam-“$4.50 gas and a Congress which does nothing to help us”
    Actually I think your side is the team with supposed successful oil men and a philosophy that tell its citizens that government is the problem which they conveniently try to prove when they are the ones in charge. As for todays Dem controlled Congress I would say they aren’t great but picking up the pieces from the republican mess can’t be done in a day. We can’t allow the republicans to do it themselves, because they wont, at least this corrupt generation of them.

  10. More and more Americans are realizing the disaster that would be an Obama presidency. THANK GOD!!!!!
    Barry is a Marxist in Liberal Democrat clothing.
    Wake up, people!!!!!!!

  11. As for todays Dem controlled Congress I would say they aren’t great but picking up the pieces from the republican mess can’t be done in a day.
    The only thing falling faster than Barack Obama’s poll numbers and the Democrat Congress approval rating is the coterie of dirt-worshiping tree huggers trying to prevent gas prices and domestic energy from being unleashed in our country.
    That’s OK, because the next time there is a dire emergency in America that would necessitate tapping our strategic petroleum reserves, there would be nothing there because Barry-O thought it would be a good idea to use that instead of the limitless supplies of energy all around and under us. If the GOP had been listened to 10 years ago when Clinton vetoed drilling, we would not be having this problem today. Now the Democrats want to extend the misery for another decade or two until…well, who knows what the hell they’re offering as an alternative. Windmills. Yeah – that’ll power the most dynamic economy in the world. Freakin’ Luddites.
    Enjoy your 8% approval rating and 25% minority, Lefty. You’re earning it.

  12. ok, I can debate issues.
    any position I take will be refined to match Obama’s similarly refined position at that given time or earlier….
    go ahead quiz me on drilling, FISA, public financing or whether or not anyone I have ever know in my entire life is the person I thought I knew….
    i dare ya!

  13. left fried – I have about 30 seconds that should be enough to tell us all that you know

  14. Just a question from a long-timer here to the others of the same ilk (and I really don’t mean this in a snarky way, I assume it benefits the site in some way) but, “Where did all these people suddenly come from?”

  15. HotAir.
    I do miss the script I used to have that showed where visitors were coming from, it saved a lot of effort in tracking incoming traffic surges. Although for the most part, Allahpundit and Tom Maguire are about the only big-time political bloggers (besides my RedState colleagues) who regularly link to me without being asked to (on the baseball side, Pinto and Studes at THT do as well).

  16. “Where did all these people suddenly come from?”
    Hotair.com linked to this. (Allahpundit)

  17. It was The Dali Bama Campaign that removed the Muslim women from sitting behind him….remember? All of this Democratic Racism has come back to bite him on the azz huh?

  18. It was The Dali Bama Campaign that removed the Muslim women from sitting behind him….remember? All of this Democratic Racism has come back to bite him on the azz huh?

  19. Ah, the sane, rational voices of Conservative politics. Always a refreshing.. err.. interesting change. Voices of tolerance all.
    “All of this Democratic Racism has come back to bite him”
    I think you may be confused on what the word Racism is. Please try again.
    “I do miss the script I used to have that showed where visitors were coming from, it saved a lot of effort in tracking incoming traffic surges.
    I meant to reply when you brought this up months ago – hopefully you’ll get this – otherwise, will drop in an email(reply or something, will check back). Check out google analytics – it doesn’t offer immediate referer log, so you may have to wait a few hours if you get a surge.
    Referral conversion should be what you want, but I believe they only give you domain – something custom may be able to be created if you want the page.
    StatCounter.com may also give you what you want, but I haven’t been impressed.
    Outside of that, you can check with your hosting provider for the referer.log, and see what you can do about getting access/mailed to you every few hours. Likely too much work, too little payoff, but precise information.

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