4 thoughts on “Paris Fires Back”

  1. Holy crap, Paris Hilton has a better teleprompter than the Dem nominee. Actually, this moves her up in my estimation a bit.
    Separate Paris note, Leno had the line of the year last night responding to the outrage from Hilton’s mother Leno said something along the lines of “Now, she finds a video of her daughter offensive. NOW!”

  2. https://www.crooksandliars.com/Media/Play/31581/2/TCR-Word-We-The-People-080408.mov/
    Stephen Colbert:
    “Because while I already knew I’d never vote for Barack Obama, I didn’t realize how much I’d love to vote for Britney Spears. She would be the perfect Republican nominee.”
    “As the McCain ad proves, she’s just as qualified as Barack Obama and she’s got the same strong policy positions as John McCain.”
    [video of Britney Spears: “I think we should just trust our President in every decision that he makes.” ]
    “What a maverick. Of course, they aren’t exactly the same; I think Britney knows the difference between Sunnis and Shi’ite.”
    Colbert = genius.

  3. It can’t be a good sign when Paris Hilton is more articulate and makes more sense than both the incumbent and the presumptive GOP nominee to replace him.

  4. That “empty headed Hollywood floozie” has parlayed that image into more money than God. Plus she absolutely demolishes poor McCain. I’m still laughing at the zombies and Yoda images. But props to Crank for having the sense of humor to post it.

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