Thanks, Given

Between the holidays, work, technical problems (my home PC needs Vista reinstalled), a little post-election burnout, some slow baseball news days and the like, I’ve gone quiet for a few days here – but I did want to extend a word of thanks to my readers. 2008 has been a good traffic year for the site, culminating in the election, as you can see:
I can’t predict the mix of content going forward, but of course I expect to keep up the baseball side of things a little better over the next 12 months, without neglecting the many political battles to come. In the meantime: thanks for stopping by.

9 thoughts on “Thanks, Given”

  1. Crank, that you have Vista earns you my deepest sympathy. My oldest campaigned for years to have a PC (I was an original Mac buyer in 1984, one of the first 50 in NYC–so you can see where my loyalties lie). Well, off he went to college last year with a new HP in tow. Took him less than a week to beg for his old iBook back.

  2. Crank,
    The “thanks” goes out to you for providing us with your insight and well-thought posts, both on baseball and politics. Looking forward to more of it.

  3. I’m an admitted lefty troll…but there’s no better blog when it comes to baseball analysis…and the political arguments ain’t too bad either.
    One of my very favorite blogs…a definite read when a post shows up in my reader.

  4. “Crank, that you have Vista earns you my deepest sympathy.’
    Yeah, I have to second that. Reinstall XP if you can. I’ve seen the Vista, and it isn’t that pretty. I haven’t used an Apple since the Apple IIe.

  5. Crank,
    Thanks for the unique blend of content. When I tire of politics (and it’s tiring now), there is usually some good baseball stuff to read… even though you loathe my team!

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