BASEBALL/ Mixing The Two

There’s a long tradition of your basic ceremonial honors between the White House and the National Pastime, all of which is well and good even during times when you may not like the current occupant of the Oval Office. But really, does the game need to do this?

The Chicago White Sox are aiming to release a President Barack Obama-themed version of their cap in time for the start of spring training.

The club has developed two prototype designs of its club hat with Obama marks on the side and back. The hats have been approved by MLB Properties, and the White Sox now are awaiting a formal blessing from the Obama administration before league licensee New Era goes into production. Both designs will be made if accepted by Obama.

Even for those of us who love baseball and love politics, it’s better to keep the two separate. It’s bad enough that Obama* is being merchandised like he’s the latest George Lucas character (I swear some of the newspapers are only staving off bankruptcy by selling Obama commemorative memorabilia to his fans), and that businesses all over the place seem completely unaware of the fact that 59 million Americans voted against the guy – but to go and stick Obama logos on the hats of an MLB team is going too far. It would have been cheesy for the Rangers to do that for Bush even though he used to own the team; it’s no different with Obama.
* – Kung fu grip not available on all models. Batteries sold separately.

22 thoughts on “BASEBALL/ Mixing The Two”

  1. When the elites love something everyone loves it. When the elites hate something, everyone hates it.
    That famous Pauline Kael quote pretty much says it all, right?

  2. “White Sox now are awaiting a formal blessing from the Obama administration”
    Considering some of the criticisms of the Obama movement… that line is really hilarious.

  3. So if and when Chicago gets shut out in road games this season, will the opposing team post the score as something like Yankees 5, White Sox 0bama?

  4. Crank,
    I am constantly amazed at your laser-like focus on the items of real importance. Most people would miss entirely the White Sox hat scandal (Soxgate?) and be thinking instead of trivia like Obama going to Capitol Hill to meet with the Republican caucus. Not you, though. You see the forest and the trees with an almost divine clarity. GREAT POST!!

  5. “So if and when Chicago gets shut out in road games this season, will the opposing team post the score as something like Yankees 5, White Sox 0bama?”
    -John at January 27, 2009 9:54 PM
    No it just means the Yankees are racist.

  6. Amen Crank. Baseball has always been a game that brought people together, not divided them. I wish it could stay that way. BTW, what happens if GOP-Sox fans take offense at the new hats and quit going to the games? Or are Sox fans 100% Obamatons?

  7. This hero worship thing is pathetic. The guy is just the president, not an idol or a god. And please, let’s leave baseball free of politics, O.K.?

  8. OK Crank. You have had your laugh. Please tell us now that this is a hoax. Right???…… Right????

  9. You correctly note that 59 million people voted against this guy. I am a sox fan and can tell you that if you polled the people in the seats that the ONE wouldn’t do so good. I will boycott the sox next season.

  10. Why would a professional sports team wade into the political arena and alienate their fans who don’t support him?

  11. I am 42, a lifelong Sox fan, and I am pissed over this. We Sox fans are not all members of the Obama cult. I usally get to about 20 games a year. I think I will just stay away this year.

  12. You’re a lifelong Sox fan, presumably really like baseball, goes to 25% of home games and you are going to stay away cause they are trying to make some scratch off some apparel? Don’t buy the hat. Go to the game. Chill out about this. Jesus, it’s not the end of the world. Calm down everyone. Holy cow.

  13. It just goes to show you how many idiots that voted for the “Rock star” Anti American clown they call their president. Maybe all the women that gush all over him will buy the hat to vomit in. Forget baseball, Just put NOBama in to pitch. He doesn’t need a team.

  14. If they had a Reagan “catcher’s cup” day you wingnuts would practically be rioting at the gates to be first in line.

  15. With all the Crank ditto-heads abandoning the ChiSox, the average IQ at the new Comiskey next year will be at least 20 points higher.

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