3 thoughts on “The Politics of … Something”

  1. I have this darkling notion that these dreamy people are just a step from building a wicker man. All it will take is a few bad harvests and they’ll be the first to torch some animals in the wicker man. Another bad year and you sacrifice a virgin. Then you immolate the sun god himself.

  2. Remember Republicans and Conservatives are idiots and people such as this writer is our “progressive” better. The pretend world these people live in is amazing.

  3. An insipid puff piece. Her columns tend not to be more meaty. The NYT crew is trying to figure out this whole blogging thing. This is essentially a dopey column that is too long and, well, dopey to publish in the real paper.
    Try not to use this to fit the continuing narrative of, “all liberals are lying, freedom-hating, government-teat-sucking, media-controlling pansies.”
    We may be all those things, but this blog indicates nothing.

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