Facts Unchecked

TPM Muckraker, the Washington Monthly, Daily Kos diarists and Keith Olbermann have really gone and stuck their foot in it by falsely accusing Gov. Bobby Jindal of making up his experiences on the ground during Hurricane Katrina without bothering to check with the people who were actually there with Jindal, like the Sheriff of Jefferson Parish. Erick Erickson has the story.

9 thoughts on “Facts Unchecked”

  1. Crank, they won, they will trump us on that, what with their own reality based set of “facts.” DC is a freakshow, and the Jester from Minny has yet to arrive.

  2. Ouch. Erickson smacked them pretty good. It will leave a mark, but one they’ll ignore for The Party.

  3. Is this even surprising? Olbermann hasn’t dealt in facts since he left SportsCenter and could no longer rely on an encyclopedia that was purely numbers. Goofs like Olbermann, KOS, and their ilk start with a theory and decide that the theory equals facts.

  4. I wonder if Javaman will show his face in here after making his ignorant accusations in the other thread.
    Probably not, as it’s not in the nature of his type to actually admit when they made a wildly inaccurate attack on someone’s character. It’s just par for the course.

  5. You obviously did not read the updates to Smith’s post, or have a problem with reading comprehension. The point of the story was the red tape Lee had to fight through. Jindal was in his ‘office’ while the city was still flooded; as you may recall, the crisis in NO went on past Monday.
    Katrina’s a big part of Jindal’s career, it’s not surprising he would draw on that.

  6. The gifts that keep on giving, a Republican who wants to run on Katrina. Can it get any better? What’s next? Watergate? Iran-contra? Abu Ghraib?

  7. I agree with the Jindal spokesperson on this one. See what name calling gets you. The boy wonder told a story in first person, low and behold he was not there. Not a shing moment for the first time on the really big stage. Bye Bye Bobby….

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