Deval Patrick In Deep Trouble In New Poll

Some of you may recall that many of the themes used by Barack Obama in his presidential campaign, and even some of the words that came off Obama’s TelePrompter, were first tried out by another David Axelrod client, Deval Patrick, in Patrick’s successful run for Governor of Massachusetts in 2006:

Three years later, one poll says the voters of the deep-blue Bay State haven’t gotten the Change they Hoped for, and they want a recall, with Patrick locked in a dead heat just for renomination:

Only 34 percent of those surveyed in the poll conducted for 7News by Suffolk University say the governor deserves re-election, while a stunning 47 percent say it is “time to elect someone else.”
Voters gave Patrick a 43 percent unfavorable rating and a 44 percent favorable rating. The rest are undecided.


Asked about Patrick’s job performance, 49 percent disapproved, 40 percent approved and 11 percent were undecided.


Voters, the 7News poll shows, appear to have had it with Beacon Hill politics, with a whopping 72 percent calling for the state to add a recall vote for “underperforming” pols.
Some 51 percent believe the state is on the wrong track. Worse, 71 percent say Massachusetts will become “Taxachusetts” once again with only 5 percent expecting an economic recovery this year.

Read the whole thing for the most recent litany of Patrick’s screwups. Of course, these being Democrats, the Boston Herald has to note of the Democratic state treasurer’s strong standing against Patrick that the poll was “conducted before headlines this week that the treasurer faces an ethics probe over a Lottery contract.”
Patrick’s hardly the only embattled Democrat in the Northeast – David Paterson, Chris Dodd, and Kirsten Gillibrand will all be lucky to get renominated, and Jon Corzine faces a tight race this fall. Clearly, voters across the region are getting an early wake-up call about the hazards of one-party Democratic rule.

One thought on “Deval Patrick In Deep Trouble In New Poll”

  1. Wow. The desperation is, even for you, stunning.
    What’s next? A story about how the President’s kindergaren teacher has been laid off? Or, maybe that his kids’ former nanny has been unable to find a new job?
    You might want to consider your Godfather quote more often before posting.

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