2 thoughts on “Most Likely To Kill Cops”

  1. I’ve got to get the hell out of this insane state ASAP. This asylum for a-holes is 90 miles from my door.
    Here is the money quote from Oakland’s esteemed Mayor when asked about Uhuru:
    Incredibly, Dellums couldn’t muster the courage to denounce such people. “I don’t want to comment about that,” said the mayor. “This is a moment of tremendous grief and tragedy. This is not a time to politicize death.” Only in Oakland and a handful of other cities would it be considered “political” to condemn such execrable behavior. With leadership like that, is it any wonder that Oakland finds itself in its present condition?

  2. NRA,
    Do you think the cops in Oakland and Pittsburgh would still be alive if they were able to protect themselves by carrying guns?

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