4 thoughts on “Thou Shalt Not Mock Obama’s Mustard”

  1. It is no big deal that the Bama like dijon mustard-Who cares? BUT the interesting issue is how quickly the liberals and MSM rally to attack anyone who says anything possibly negative about the messiah. It is funny how they turn into attack dogs on the smallest thing. It shows just how insecure they are.
    As a side note, anytime I see a politicain visit a place where us “regular folks” go, they always look out of place. The more they try to act “normal”, the funnier they are.

  2. ALL (on both sides) a diversion to make you forget the elites are war criminals.
    As Bill Murray said in “Stripes”: That’s the facts, Jack!

  3. .
    The Left is just keeping this ‘Mustard story’ alive, the Right had a chuckle and moved on. There are many much more important things to criticize this administration about. The Left doesn’t want people focusing on the big stuff, because that’s where it’s most dangerous to them. The Truth will bring them down, God willing.
    absurd thought –
    God of the Universe says
    deify your dear leaders
    they are supernatural
    with magical qualities
    absurd thought –
    God of the Universe says
    don’t protest tax increases
    or support states’ rights

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