Star Power

I missed this one in my post the other day on Rubio and Crist – watch this clip of Marco Rubio in action and you can see why people have been excited about him for some time. Note – as becomes obvious when he pulls out a crumpled roll of paper to read the Kennedy quote – the absence of a TelePrompter.

H/T. John McCormack offers some samples of Crist speaking for contrast. Crist’s not terrible, and of course he’s won a couple of statewide races as Governor and AG, but he’s a pretty unexciting politician with no identifiable principles. I’m guessing he’ll focus on ignoring Rubio as hard as he can.

9 thoughts on “Star Power”

  1. “All hat and no cattle.”
    That’s rich. Rubio has way more accomplishments as a legislator, from leadership positions in the majority party to impact on things actually passed into law, than Obama had as a state legislator or US Senator.

  2. Yeah, Crank. But Rubio hasn’t run a campaign for president. So he doesn’t have quite the “experience” Obama had. After all, the best experience to prepare for office is running for it.

  3. It’s time for Rubio to step aside. He’s getting crushed by Crist in the polls, according to Mason-Dixon. At this point, his only role is to damage Crist’s popularity and improve the Democrats’ chances. He is young, and perhaps has a bright future. But this race is not it.
    Republicans cannot afford a destructive attempt to divide the party in Florida when they have so many problems elsewhere in the country. Crist’s candidacy allows the Republicans to focus on the many, many other races that need attention. Neither the Republican Party nor the the conservative movement will be helped by losing additional Senate seats in 2010.
    For the good of the party, and the conservative movement in general, it’s time to recognize that we need winners in 2010. Rubio simply does not provide the same chances of winning that Crist does. He needs to step aside ASAP.

  4. Crank, I seem to recall all your posts about how “EXECUTIVE EXPERIENCE” was necessary to be President. You know, like Princess Sarah and Bobby the Intern.
    Sorry but bland syrupy speeches about God’s blessings leave me and, unfortunately for Marco the Magnificent, most of the country cold.

  5. @A.S.: You just don’t get it do you. There is nothing more important than getting people elected who agree with us on EVERYTHING. Christ is not that person. There really is no difference between him and a Dem. Rubio is going to shock the world!

  6. Uh, Magrooder, Rubio isn’t running for President.
    I think it’s too early to tell Rubio to step aside. Is he really hurting Crist right now? The 2010 election is 18 months away.

  7. It’s time for Rubio to step aside. He’s getting crushed by Crist in the polls, according to Mason-Dixon.
    Yes, clearly he has no chance. It’s completely unheard of for the more widely known candidate to have a huge early lead and manage to blow it all in the end. Just ask Hillary Clinton.

  8. Crist is a much more difficult (R) to run against than Rubio…Dems won’t win against Crist…and Rubio is picking the wrong race to run…my guess this is a way for him to “get something” out of the bow out, and make a statewide name in the process…
    It’s not a bad plan for him to get statewide recognition, even if he ultimately bows out to Crist…which he should if the R’s want to win…

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