A Tale Of Two Projects

Jim Geraghty notes that Gov. Palin has brought ExxonMobil to the table in her signature policy effort, the natural gas pipeline, defying critics who didn’t think she could make the big energy companies blink and cut a deal. Meanwhile, President Obama faces the first defection from his effort to drum up support for nationalizing health insurance, as the AMA comes out against the so-called “public option” of government health insurance.
It’s far from the end of the journey for both these initiatives; Palin still faces other hurdles, and Obama retains a strong position (the NYT notes how he can put the screws on the doctors: “If the doctors are too aggressive in fighting the public plan, they risk alienating Democrats whose support they need for legislation to increase their Medicare fees.”), despite the powerful arguments Karl Rove outlines for marshalling opposition. But it’s encouraging to be reminded that sometimes, governing is actually about doing things rather than just talking.

18 thoughts on “A Tale Of Two Projects”

  1. But Crank, Palin is just an idiotic rube and all of her experience as a business woman, Mayor and Governor mean nothing and are no match for Obama’s experience as a “community organizer” and ineffectual State and US Senator. I know this because the media tells me so.
    I am wondering when gas goes over $3 a gallon in the next few months are the Dems actually going to commit political suicide and stick to their extremist no ANWR drilling, no offshore drilling, no drilling anywhere, no nuclear energy, no coal plant mantra.

  2. dch said “I am wondering when gas goes over $3 a gallon in the next few months are the Dems actually going to commit political suicide and stick to their extremist no ANWR drilling, no offshore drilling, no drilling anywhere, no nuclear energy, no coal plant mantra.”
    The answer is YES! This is not the Democrat party of earlier vintage. The ’60s radical generation is now the core of the Democratic leadership. Radical Leftists also control the media, education, and provide the financing of the party.
    Now, the question is do enough Americans still have a pulse? How much will it take for the American sheeple to get pissed off enough to demand action? The Dems won’t disappoint. They will defend ridiculous policies from the floor of the House and the news desks of NBC. Will common sense fight back?

  3. dch:
    You realize the Democrats, and specifically Obama, WANT gas prices to go north of $3. In fact, they WANT them to go north of $4. They’ve stated on several occasions, the only way for them to push their radical green car agenda on the unwilling public is to force high gas prices upon them.
    If gas prices don’t get their naturally, I wouldn’t be surprised to see a significant rise in the gas tax to make sure they get there.
    It’s for the greater good, you know. Obama’s gonna change the world, so you better not get in the way.

    Seriously, the more people watch her, the more it is obvious what an incredibly talented leader she is. The GOP needs to get behind her now as the presumptive nominee in 2012. She can beat Obama and get the nation back on track!

    Fuck yeah! The GOP has dug the whole, jumped in, and just needs the rest of us to throw 60 feet of dirt and concrete on them so they are irrelevant and can never hurt us again. Backing a moron like Palin for the most powerful job in the universe is just the thing needed to spur the citizens of this country to action and put the GOP out of OUR misery once and for all.
    Where can I donate for this truly worthy cause?

  6. Well, Berto, no one ever said she’s as smart as Sherriff Joe Biden. Nobody would try to pull that one off.
    Nor is she as smart as the smartest guy who ever read off a Teleprompter and has done little but screw up since he was sworn in.
    And no way is she as honest or as forthcoming and homespun as that Man of the People John Edwards. Plus, he’s smarty smart and he has nicer hair, too.
    Yup, Sarah sure looks scary when you place her next to this batch of geniuses. Why Berto, maybe you should run–you’d probably be very popular as a Democratic candidate!

  7. I’m not ready to hop aboard Palin’s (or anyone else’s) bandwagon for 2012. Palin has some obvious virtues – she knows how to get things done, and she fights back. But I’m not blind to the fact that she has a lot of ground to cover to convince the public that she’s sufficiently well-informed for the job.
    It doesn’t hurt, though, that Obama’s been doing basically what Palin predicted during the campaign, and the contrast with his style. The public may be ready for her by 2012.

  8. Yes, the track record of election predictions on this site is remarkably good. I will be going here for all poll updates.

  9. I don’t know if anyone else is sensing this, but from talking to people, and I mean talking to people who are generally apolitical or not that on top of poltical things – I am beginning to sense real opposition to Obumbler and his policies. I think they a beginning to overreach. I am even begining to see some lefties becoming disillusioned with him. Anybody else noticing this?
    Imagine if we had a media that was 1/10 as critical about him as they were about Bush.

  10. No way, spongey.
    As soon as the GOP is dead and buried for good, we go after the Democrats. Sooner or later the people of this country will wise-up and demand government representation for themselves and not just for the corporate and rich.
    The sooner that day comes, the better for the rest of us.
    re: “lot of ground to cover”. That might be the understatement of the year. andtonius’ ‘talented leader’ had no clue what the “Bush Doctrine” was when asked in 2008. Maybe her handlers can start with the small stuff, like how many states are in the union.

  11. I don’t see Palin recovering for the top spot. Maybe she’d be tolerable to the voters as a VP, but she’s going to need a lot of rehabilitation for a presidential run.

  12. Obama has got to be crazy to sit back and watch these gas prices go upward the way they have. i watched gas in my city take a 15 cent hike in one day! Is unemployment going down? Try going up! The economy? At best, the same! This is the inflation that has been predicted…already! I don’t want a green car. I want no car note and will keep my gas guzzler!
    As for Palin, that is the Dems dream! As a conservative, it pains me to see this intellectual lightweight supported by so many. The best candidate against Obama has yet to be seen. It’s a fresh face who will need to match his symbolism and have the substance that Obama doesn’t.

  13. Obama has got to be crazy to sit back and watch these gas prices go upward the way they have. i watched gas in my city take a 15 cent hike in one day! Is unemployment going down? Try going up! The economy? At best, the same! This is the inflation that has been predicted…already! I don’t want a green car. I want no car note and will keep my gas guzzler!
    As for Palin, that is the Dems dream! As a conservative, it pains me to see this intellectual lightweight supported by so many. The best candidate against Obama has yet to be seen. It’s a fresh face who will need to match his symbolism and have the substance that Obama doesn’t.

  14. Obama didn’t fix all of America’s problems in less than 150 days?!?!? He sucks!!!!!

  15. If the GOP runs Palin in 2012, that will destroy the party forever. She will never get over her dufus image, like Dan Quayle, and for good reason. She is a lightweight. Another George W., but even more shallow. The GOP has very little to get excited about, but I can’t believe you are all serious about Palin. She was probably the deciding factor in the 2008 election against the Republicans. You think she’ll do any better four years from now?

  16. Crank,
    As you often find yourself dealing with issues in which you have to be careful because of your job, I am in possession of confidential information regarding this deal. Palin deserves some credit for changing the dynamic by dealing with TransCanada, this deal fell into her lap because of issues among the oil companies.

  17. Well, Magrooder, I’d just say that Palin knows the oil companies’ world pretty well and put herself in a situation where she didn’t think they could hold a united front forever. It’s a classic negotiating tactic.

  18. Crank,
    True enough as a general negotiating move, but she could not have anticipated the issue that caused the divide (and, against all evidence, I’m assuming average quality of mind and knowledge in Palin).

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