10 thoughts on “Hey, Sure, But This Time It Will Work!”

  1. Since Obama doesn’t advocate single payer (although that may be his secret desire and ultimate agenda) I don’t get why this is significant. You can’t expect him to defend what he doesn’t advocate.

  2. I wonder if anyone without health insurance is ever given the bully pulpit to opine on health care reform. It’s always the people with health care who say the system is fine.

  3. I don’t have dental insurance (and I have to pay for braces for my kids), and I prefer the current arrangement (where it is well accepted by providers that you may not have insurance) to the alternative of being forced to pay for dental insurance via taxes. Does that count?

  4. I’m actually not covered by my dental insurance plan at the moment myself…I don’t think the system is perfect, although we do have the best quality of care and best pharma industry in the world, both of which would be – along with the federal budget – deeply imperiled by Obama’s plan (which is inevitably a stalking horse for single payer, BTW). For example, I actually think it’s crazy for people to pay for health insurance for relatively routine medical expenses; we don’t use insurance intermediaries to pay our mortgage/rent, utilities, car payments, etc.

  5. That’s right. Make health savings accounts mainstream, allow more contributions to them, and take insurance out of the picture for the routine, expected medical procedures. We’ll pay cash instead. That reduces cost, creates competition, etc. Keep insurance for the truly unexpected, and un-budgetable.

  6. First, uninsured is not the same thing as not receiving health care. Millions upon millions of Americans pay as they go, especially young americans. I had no health insurance from 22-30 and I was perfectly fine-spent a few hundred dollars a year for a physical, a dentist appt or 2 and if i got sick. The other thing is the number that keeps being bandied about includes all the illegal aliens in the country, are you people aware of that. Finally, in light of the fact that government healthcare, known as medicaid, which covers a small percetage of Americans,. now has a projected deficit of 26 trillion and growing, could you please give me the exact logic for expanding government intervention into this industry.

  7. “…expanding government intervention into this industry.”
    That IS the “logic.” Period.

  8. Never trust the same people that lose wars to a handful of teenagers to run healthcare.

  9. You guys are just like the jackass in that thread arguing with actual Canadians that they are wrong to support the health care system that they actually use and can speak with experience and authority on.
    And, Crank, by a whole host of measures we do NOT have “the best quality of care.” The most over-rated care, sure…

  10. Dch,
    While you would likely not extend this courtesy I will assume you mis-typed (missed a decimal point, meant billion, etc.) rather than just assuming you got the 26 trillion number from Hannity or something. The U.S. National Debt isn’t even that big.

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