First Among Equals


In a morning conference call with about 1000 rabbis from across the nation, Obama asked for aid: “I am going to need your help in accomplishing necessary reform,” the President told the group, according to Rabbi Jack Moline, who tweeted his way through the phoner.
“We are God’s partners in matters of life and death,” Obama went on to say, according to Moline’s real-time stream.

Partners. Not servants. Partners.
And if you disagree with the domestic legislative agenda being pushed by God and Obama, not necessarily in that order?

10 thoughts on “First Among Equals”

    This is a blog about BASEBALL!!!! Take this bull out of here and keep it out! Besides read the constitution. HR3200 is unconstitutional as it takes freedoms from the people and the states and places it on the federal government.
    If I see this again I will report it as an abuse of this site.

  2. BO-zo is losing it. God is commanding us to pass Obamacare?! Imagine if a Republican had said this.

  3. God doesn’t care if the US passes Obamacare. He’s too busy looking after the war he made W start in Iraq.

  4. stan, Republicans have repeatedly been accused of theocracy (see, eg, Berto’s comment) for statements far milder than this. Just as they’ve been broiled for statements about critics far milder than the “treason” line. Also, people like Bush and Palin have always understood that they are servants, not partners with the Lord.

  5. Personally, I don’t like the word ‘servant’ here since it connotes doing something in the name of or directed by. Too many people frantically grasp to being a servant of god when they lack other reasoning. I dunno, I don’t see servants of God authorizing torture, but that’s just me.
    ‘If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.’ Yeah, totally Bush and Palin here.
    I don’t really like partner either, but I can’t think of a word that means ‘working along the same general guidelines but lower’. And servant assumes too much.
    ” Republicans have repeatedly been accused of theocracy (see, eg, Berto’s comment) for statements far milder than this”
    I know, right? You should totally pull out one of your many and varied statements about how wrong it was for Republican politician X to lean too heavily on god. Or how it is wrong for Y to say Democrats want the deaths of Americans or for the terrorists to win.

  6. Dave-
    I don’t really like partner either, but I can’t think of a word that means ‘working along the same general guidelines but lower’. And servant assumes too much.
    He is the Alpha and the Omega.
    He is the Truth and the Way.
    I’m an ignorant, hairless ape who will, when stressed, exhibit the exact same behavior as my simian ancestors did 400 million years ago.
    “Serving” Christ is not just a slogan… God doesn’t just expect “service”, He expects “abasement”.
    “Servant” is a large step up in “class”.

  7. As a little boy in Brooklyn, I was taught at Mass to “give to Caesar what is Caesar’s and give to God what is God”
    I wasn’t taught that God and Caesar were one and the same. Seems that concept is more akin to what one would learn at an Indonesian madrassa

  8. Keep in mind the perverted church our President “worshiped” in. The one where the 9/11 dead had it coming and the white man is the devil. I would be surprised if Obama believes any of that nonsense, but it speaks volumes that he hung with such a deranged crowd.

  9. “Treason.”
    Right, have you so quickly forgotten tat french fires had to become freedom fires or that terorists would win. Such jejuene idiocy.

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