Quick Links 1/8/10

Two lines of the day:
Jonah Goldberg: “the GOP’s troubles over the last decade have a lot to do with the fact that Americans didn’t stop liking what the Republican Party is supposed to deliver. They stopped liking what the GOP actually delivered.” Also: “For too long Republicans confused supporting big business with supporting free markets, when big business is often the biggest impediment to fair competition.”
Steven Green: “A man does not set fire to his penis for a job he expects to botch.”
Finally, this chart from Paul Krugman is interesting and noteworthy (Krugman can occasionally be sane and not wholly dishonest when he sticks to his knitting and writes straight economics rather than partisan politics). I don’t buy entirely his conclusion that “the CRE bubble … gives the lie both to those who blame Fannie/Freddie/Community Reinvestment for the housing bubble, and those who blame predatory lending” – as some of his commenters properly note, the chart reinforces the argument that commercial real estate values are driven at least in part by residential real estate values, even in communities where relatively hard zoning laws make the two types of land non-fungible – but it’s an important point nonetheless to understand that the housing bubble was not solely about housing markets and housing-credit policy.

10 thoughts on “Quick Links 1/8/10”

  1. Here’s a third, from your beloved Rudy: “We had no domestic attacks under Bush. We’ve had one under Obama.”
    In the immortal words of Seth and Amy, Really??

  2. ” the system worked”-people misspeak all the time. It is always easy to play gotcha. I am sure Napolitano when she had a chance to think about what she said, meant to add other words, qualifiers, etc.
    Rudy was a great mayor and leader and every citizen of NYC , especially those on the left, should just be honest and admit it.

  3. magrooder,
    That “no terrorist attacks under Bush” meme is getting big play in the last 2 weeks. Giuliani, Dana Perino, Ari Fleischer, and Dick Cheney have all touted it recently.
    This despite 9/11, the anthrax attacks of Fall ’01, Richard Reid, El Al at LAX, the Maryland/ DC snipers, and attacks on abortion clinics in 2001, 2005, 2006, and 2007.
    The GOP obviously think the American public are a bunch of drooling idiots who don’t know their butts from a whole in the ground.
    I never thought I’d live to see Republicans be correct about anything, but I have to give them credit where credit is due.

  4. dch,
    Rudy got caught up in the GOP lies spouted by the likes of Dick “Hang ’em High” Cheney as they frantically try to reinvent the history of their disastrous reign. While he did some measure of good for life in the city, there was a cost to his methods and I don’t think he knows the truth anymore.
    They slept while the terrorists plotted and attacked, they refused to accept responsibility for anything — who can forget Bush unable to identify a single mistake he made, the “slam dunk,” Mission Accomplished, they’ll greet us like liberators, Iraq’s oil reserves will pay for the war, the greatest loss of economic value and security since Hoover?

  5. Listen, I know that you don’t want to talk about the complete failure that is presently in the White House, so basically you have to seek comfort in your little imaginary Bush Derangement Syndrome world. Less than 10 months to the mid term ass kicking to end all ass kickings. They did a poll a few weeks ago 44% of the people prefered Bush to Obama -that was after 8 years of media attacks on Bush and 2 plus years of media rim jobs to the most the unqualified person ever to hold the office of president. History will be very kind to GWB, Obama is well on his way to supplanting Jimmy Carter as the worst modern president.
    That you are still babbling about Iraq after everything you and the nutty left has been proven wrong on is amazing. War is over, we won, surge worked, phenonemenally low US casualties. The US is stealing everyone’s oil meme that you and other mental patients put forth destroyed……..again. BTW always fascinating listening how you never mention the massive cuts in defense and intelligence spending under Clinton, the numerous Al Quaeda attacks under Clinton that were never dealt, the numerous times Bin Laden could have been killed in the 1990s during Clinton’s term with or the fact that 9/11 was plotted, financed and the hijackers trained and sent to the US all during Billy Boys term. It is also fascinating that all the things that could have been done before 9/11 to catch then are policies that you and the llony left were against AFTER 9/11.
    Maybe you should be paying attention to the the ever increasing casualties in Afghanistan-how those have exploded since Obumbler changed the rules of engagement, took 3-4 months to make a decision and basically told our enemies that he is a wimp and they can wait us out. Our enemies see weakness and a leader who can’t lead.

  6. dch,
    The president’s party nearly always loses seats in mid-term elections, even your god, Reagan.
    Obama’s presidency has had to clean up the uter mess in domestic and international affairs left by the utterly incompetent Bush and his war criminal VP.
    We don’t torture anymore. We are — finally — fighting those who attackes us 9/11. We avoided a complete melt-down of the financila services industry. We will have health care reform. Obama will crush whatever wing nut the GOP offers in 2012. Please let it be Palin.

  7. The complete “meltdown of the financial system” was prevented by GWB last October-as usual creating history and facts out of then air. The “stimulus” was a corrupt pork laden joke which prevented nothing and accomplished nothing other than fueling the single largest deficit ever. How is that 8% unemployment rate? We have now caught a guy with a bomb that tried to kill over 300 americans on a plane and the ground. He was trained somewhere, has handlers, knows people , maybe other plots and all that information we now cannot get because we have an Adminstration that is going back to the totally failed approach of the Clinton Admin.-if an attack happens in the next few months that could have been prevented by treating him as an enemy combatant-Obama et. al might be forced to resign. The mask is off clown boy-the conservatives that sat out the last election are engaged, the moderates who fell for the

  8. The complete “meltdown of the financial system” was prevented by GWB last October-as usual creating history and facts out of then air. The “stimulus” was a corrupt pork laden joke which prevented nothing and accomplished nothing other than fueling the single largest deficit ever. How is that 8% unemployment rate? We have now caught a guy with a bomb that tried to kill over 300 americans on a plane and the ground. He was trained somewhere, has handlers, knows people , maybe other plots and all that information we now cannot get because we have an Adminstration that is going back to the totally failed approach of the Clinton Admin.-if an attack happens in the next few months that could have been prevented by treating him as an enemy combatant-Obama et. al might be forced to resign. The mask is off clown boy-the conservatives that sat out the last election are engaged, the moderates/independents who fell for the hope and change nonsense are not going to be fooled 2x

  9. Hey did you hear what Billy Boy had to say about Obumbler”A few years ago he would have been serving us coffee” ROTFLMAO

  10. c’mon dch,
    Conservatives are FINALLY correct about something (their belief that the American public is a bunch of drooling idiots, who don’t know their butts from a hole in the round).
    Celebrate it!
    No need to make believe they didn’t say the war in Iraq would last less than 6 months, and cost less than $15 Billion total.
    No need to remind Americans that they made “No negotiation with terrorists” a 6-year mantra. Right up until they supported paying terrorists by calling it a “Surge”.
    I know, it’s shocking to all of us that the GOP is finally correct about something. I’m sure the shock of that is confusing you on how to react.
    That said, celebrating the one time your political ideology has been correct about something should start by shouting it from the rooftops, not reminding the world of your previous .000 batting average.

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