Just when you think Team Obama’s “everything is an occasion for list-building, fundraising and community organizing” attitude can sink no further, you come across something like this, from Organizing For Action, Obama’s tax-exempt political organizing arm that, among other things, runs his Twitter account. Yes, OFA is inviting its members to sign up to hold an organizing event to celebrate the 1-year anniversary of the Newtown school shootings. OFA’s email to its mailing list lays it out:
“OFA will give you the resources you need to ensure your event is a powerful reminder of what we lost a year ago, and a reminder that we as a nation need to do more to prevent gun violence and keep our communities safe,” the organization said.
The email contains a link to a page on my.barackobama.com where users can log in and create an event.
“Despite overwhelming public support for expanding background checks for gun sales, Congress has failed to act,” the organization says. “Join local supporters as we remember Newtown and ask Congress: What will it take to make our communities safer?”
No instructions are included for helpful decorating tips or suggested refreshments; maybe you need to request the “resources” to get the full details on how to throw your Newtown shootings party.
Me, I’d suggest saying a silent prayer, but I guess that’s why I don’t have Barack Obama’s mailing list.
To answer the question in your headline, No there is no shame at all. There should be, but there isn’t.
What next, politicizing 9/11?
Disgusting, but no, not surprising from this group of cretins.