And the Democrats wonder why they lost even normally Democrat-friendly states like New Mexico:
Democratic legislators too often seem hostile to suburban concerns, and indifferent to the aspirations of those who would like to buy a home and a small green place to call their own. In Albuquerque, for example, planners working for the local Democratic regime advocated banning backyards, an essential part of the middle-class family lifestyle. One even told a local developer that his having four children made him “immoral.” A small–and probably extreme–example? Undoubtedly. But it speaks to a stereotype that Democrats have been battling for years now: that they disdain suburbia and the families who live there. It is long past time for Democrats to start undoing that perception.
Oh, and to repeat a point we Republicans keep making: you take the people who abort their children, and we’ll take the families with four kids, and we’ll see in a generation which of us has more voters.
This is a bit of a (unattributed and unsubstantiated) stretch. Reading between the lines, we have “planners” “working for” the local Democratic regime” who, no doubt, said in unrelated research that one response to the drought which has afflicted the Southwest for several years now, would be to ban the watering of grass by which means homeowners turn desert land into a lawn. This reasonable academic thought, which no politician would ever endorse, somehow becomes a Democratic initiative to ban backyards.
Democratic office holders do silly enough things without having to reach for things they hadn’t done.
No, that’s typical liberal thought-you don’t raise the price of water, you ban the backyard. Always reach for the crudest instrument available, in other words.
Right. So all “liberals” are like these extremists? And of course, your family-styled “morals” have done so well. In the bible belt, heart of the “moral” movement, divorce is at an all-time high. Yet in Massachussettes, a state which, *gasp*, allowed gay couples the right to a legal union-of-sorts, we have the lowest divorce rate in the country. What good is a back yard and four kids when the kids have to split time between mommy and daddy?
Skip the f’ing politics, stick to the sport.
Right. So all “liberals” are like these extremists? And of course, your family-styled “morals” have done so well. In the bible belt, heart of the “moral” movement, divorce is at an all-time high. Yet in Massachussettes, a state which, *gasp*, allowed gay couples the right to a legal union-of-sorts, we have the lowest divorce rate in the country. What good is a back yard and four kids when the kids have to split time between mommy and daddy?
Skip the f’ing politics, stick to the sport.
Since I can’t read the whole article (subscription required), I have to assume the rest of the article is a stupid as that paragraph. I know you’re not, so why quote that crap and act likes it has any basis in reality?
For shame, Crank.
It’s time for this Democrat to go home to his suburban house with it’s nice backyard and have dinner with my family. I look across the table at my daughter, who seems to have developed into a bright and beautiful two-year-old despite our repeated attempts to abort her.
Jowey – I see you read your Andrew Sullivan today. Hey, I never said it was everybody. Point is, though, the Democrats are getting crushed with married couples with children living in the suburbs and “exurbs,” and need to keep far, far away from ideas like this.
Fact is, the overpopulation hysterics and the boosters of abortion as a positive good – often the same people – are very bad for the Democrats.
“Hey I never said it was everybody.”
Yeah, never miss an opportunity to blow knee-jerk criticisms of Democrat out your ass.
Simple fact: the population growth is (for the most part) in the red states. We don’t have to be smarter to beat the lefties, just more potent. I’ll take NASCAR Dads over effete, “where-do-I put-this-thing” NPR types on that “score” anyday!
As a proud resident of a backwards, uneducated, simplistic, naive, white trash, tax leeching, red state, I find your attacks on anyone’s morals a bit appaling. Divorce is not always a consequence of “immoral activity.”
As far as our little sector of the American Pie being the epicenter of moral values, that’s laughable. We’re as imperfect as anyone. We judge before being judged as badly as anyone else. We’re just a heckuva lot more polite. Which is something you could learn to be.