Quick Links 5/26/05

*Nobody Expects The Italian Inquisition! If ever there’s a case where artists and writers the world over should be rising as one in protest of official censorship and incipient theocracy, this is it. Don’t hold your breath waiting.
*Jeff Baxter, from rock star to counter-terrorist expert. (via Wizbang):

During one background interview, Mr. Baxter says, he was asked whether he could be bribed with money or drugs. He recalls telling the investigators not to worry because he had already “been there, done that, and given away the T-shirt” during his rock career.

*Slate has a fascinating article on how it was determined that the male-female population imbalance in some countries is largely the result of Hepatitis B.
*Dustbury links to “The Billboard Country Music Top Ten If Kenny Chesney Were Anakin Skywalker and Renée Zellweger Were Padmé Amidala.” Such as, “The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face (You Looked Exactly The Same As You Do Now. It’s Weird.)”
*The nanny state strikes again, requiring contests to include math problems for Canadians.
*Historical perspective from NRO: Vintage Goldberg on one of Hillary Clinton’s less than shining moments. I agree entirely with the concluding paragraph. And a classic example of unreality-based overwrought attacks on judges: Ted Kennedy on that dangerous, extremist right-winger David Souter.
*More historical perspective on judicial filibusters from Ann Althouse.
*Interesting and balanced NY Times Magazine profile of Rick Santorum. The Washington Post had a nearly identical profile last month.