Those Pesky Connections

We just keep getting more pieces of the puzzle connecting Saddam’s regime to Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups (via Instapundit), although as always, there are questions of how much we really know (see questions raised here by Smash). I, for one, am glad that the option of collaborating with a regime like Saddam’s is no longer open to Al Qaeda, and that we’re no longer subject to that uncertainty.
In another year or two, someone needs to do a revised version of Stephen Hayes’ book and really tie together what we do and don’t know about Saddam’s ties to Al Qeada, and which things we think we know but haven’t proven one way or another. Frankly, given the covert nature of these kinds of contacts, I’m amazed we know as much as we do. Not that we’re likely to get much help from the media, which regards this as a closed question.