9 thoughts on “Hey, Wasn’t There Also A Republican Primary Last Night?”

  1. I think it is bigger that Obama won. I forget which cable network said it: Iowa is as white as the arctic circle, and Obama won big.
    I would never count out the Clinton machine, but the epicenter of it was Bill, who could do anything. Hillary doesn’t have his likability factor, and never ever forget that. Romney has as much as Hillary, and that is just a killer in this.
    The big winner is probably McCain. I can see the wagons circle him more than Rudy, for the same likability issue: he gives the same feeling of protecting us while not hitting us over the head with it. I think that will play well: Quiet strength you simply have is something that gets you more votes than someone saying they have it. And Huckabee is too polarizing.

  2. Huckabee’s win is clearly the lesser story, in that:
    a) He’s not going to be the nominee, and
    b) He didn’t just upset a major New York political figure, and
    c) He probably has virtually no supporters who read (and more importantly, buy) the NY Daily News.

  3. Jerry’s called it with point (c). Just another illustration of that old New Yorker cartoon of the map of the US with everything west of the Hudson being dwarfed by the five boroughs.

  4. That picture really focuses in on his smile. I half-expected the headline to say: Colgate propels Obama to Iowa victory.

  5. There has been some national radio commentary on how Giuliani is essentially dead in this race at this point. Seems like a stretch but their point was the presidential primary campaigns are about momentum of which Rudy has none at this juncture. Would seem though that Huckabee and others are not capable of winning states such as New York, California, etc. There’s a lot of eating your own going on.

  6. Point taken Daryl. I’m basically NYC ignorant, and can embarrass myself when I get lost in the tall grass of the details.
    Not that it’s a good excuse, but I am also waist deep dealing with one helluva storm today (it might even make the news out your way).

  7. Yes. There was a republican primary, but since the winner is a lunatic (e.g., “Adam and Eve were real people”) it really is irrelevant, sort of like whehter a tree falling in the woods with no one there to hear makes any noise.

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