3 thoughts on “The Spirit of ’76”

  1. Hugh
    gets stuff wrong. Just before the 2006 election, he had some polling guy (it might have been Rasmussen, but who keeps track) and when he was told that the Democrats were going to do what they eventually did, he was all over the guy and was frankly quite disrespectful. Don’t know if he ever took the time to apologize, but who has time for 3 hours of talk radio every day of the week.
    Anyway, Hugh is the ultimate optimist insofar as his opinions and predictions are concerned. It may be shtick for all I know, just to keep the Rubes entertained. I’d like to hear him acknowledge that Arnold has been a HUGE disappointment, as he was all over pushing that RINO on us.
    That being said, Iowa isn’t the end of this process. I still have hopes for Fred Thompson (not at the Hewitt level of self deception), but I’m remaining realistic enough to have given up on Duncan Hunter.

  2. Doesn’t bode well for the Republicans generally, as there is no way Huckabee can out Obama Obama. And even if he could, you have to be on the left fringe of the Republican party to like Huckabee.

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