Minor Candidate Roundup

Duncan Hunter is focusing on New Hampshire and Wyoming (which caucuses Saturday) rather than pack it in after drawing 1% of the vote in Iowa, which he was largely ignoring. Presumably, Hunter will end his pointless campaign by next Wednesday and focus on positioning himself to be the next Secretary of Defense, a job for which he is well-qualified, although I’m not really sure who he would be liklely to endorse at this stage.
Joe Biden and Chris Dodd have returned to their day jobs in the Senate. Dodd’s campaign never did get the wave of momentum he expected from announcing his candidacy on the Don Imus show.
Hunter, along with Dennis Kucinich and Mike Gravel, will be barred from the next round of debates hosted by ABC. ABC’s press release doesn’t even mention Alan Keyes. I haven’t yet seen evidence that Keyes is even on the ballot in key states. Thus, the next debates will feature Huckabee, McCain, Romney, Giuliani, Thompson and Paul on the GOP side and Obama, Clinton, Edwards and Richardson on the Democrat side.

4 thoughts on “Minor Candidate Roundup”

  1. I would assume the only candidates Hunter would consider endorsing would be Thompson or McCain with McCain being a longshot because of his pro-amnesty stance on illegal aliens. I am somewhat surprised Biden didn’t hang around at least for New Hampshire.

  2. Hunter’s the second best candidate, but he’s just had no impact. I’m not even sure it matters who he throws his support to, other than for his own future political prospects. Hopefully he’ll find a spot in a future administration.
    Well, 6 is better than 8, and you really can’t exclude any of the 6 Republican candidates that are left. Here’s hoping this debate actually has some meaningful content, but I won’t hold my breath.

  3. Hate to break the bad news to you, but I don’t think Obama is picking Duncan Hunter to be Secretary of Defense. Try living in the real world. Or, just stick to baseball.

  4. Magrooder,
    You’re right Obama will not pick Hunter to be SecDef. Obama will not be picking anyone for that position. As a senator, he will get to vote on confirmation for the position.

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