6 thoughts on “The Catchers and the Hall”

  1. Curious – why is Roy Campanella absent from this list. Three time MVP and along with Yogi Berra considered the best catcher of his time-period. Finally, he is in Hall of Fame

  2. So I read the article. If you had to choose one catcher in baseball history for a team from scratch, who would it be? Does Piazza’s offense outweigh his defensive liability? Would you go with the all around Bench or Berra? Seems to me these are the top three.

  3. Piazza was such a great hitter, but with other great hitters who could also play better D, I’d probably go with Bench. Berra and Cochrane were also really great players, though.

  4. Steve, you’re forgetting Josh Gibson, but you’re correct about the other three being the top tier.

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