Harry the Insult Comic Senator Strikes Again

I have previously catalogued Harry Reid’s penchant for petty insults of political opponents, and that was before he started complaining about the voters smelling bad. Well, Reid has a new one: quoting himself in his book calling Barbara Bush a “bitch.”
UPDATE: Oops, read too quickly before posting, Reid is quoting Bentsen. So, not on the level of some of his prior insults.
Stay classy, Harry.

3 thoughts on “Harry the Insult Comic Senator Strikes Again”

  1. Harry is going to have a lot of time come January 2011 to create all the petty insults. I am trying to remember how many of his children are congressional lobbyists and wasn’t there something about him not declaring 1 million plus on either his taxes or was it his US Senate disclosure forms?
    Hope, Change.

  2. By the way, we all disagree on a lot of these topics, but can we all just agree that Roland Burris is a crook and a liar? That should be bipartisan. That dude needs to go away.

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