And Now For Something Completely Different

This video, featuring an appearance by Kelly Clarkson on what appears to be German TV, cracked me up for some reason…picture a foreign pop star who speaks barely any English appearing on David Letterman, with the attendant awkwardness and translation problems, and ending up in one of his stunts, and you start to get the effect.

UPDATE: I should add, by the way, that I actually like Clarkson’s new album quite a bit… it’s kind of cheesy, of course, but I’ll take a little too cheesy over a little too hip and ironic any day of the week. Oddly, I had never had any familiarity with her music until maybe a month ago (I have never watched American Idol, although through the usual pop culture osmosis I have a general idea of who wins every year). More broadly, I have a terrible time locating new music to listen to, given the parlous state of rock these days.

2 thoughts on “And Now For Something Completely Different”

  1. Funny.
    Your last 3 video posts have been Mr. T, Kelly Clarkson and Joe Biden. I would argue that out of that group Joe Biden comes in third for ability to be the VP of the US. Though Clarkson isn’t old enough yet.

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