Notice Anything Missing?’s list of “What to put between you and burglars” seems to be missing a particular home-security device – see if you can guess what it is. (Hint: it’s the one mentioned in the Bill of Rights. It’s also the only one left once the burglars are actually inside the house.).
I mean, I’m really not a gun fan myself, but it seems silly to discuss home security without even broaching the topic….on a related note, this has to be quote of the day – Instapundit, quoting a commenter at Alphecca on the Democrats debating gun control:

They’re not “illegal guns.” They’re “undocumented firearms.”

3 thoughts on “Notice Anything Missing?”

  1. OK, the first really scary thing isn’t the non-gun talk: it’s the idea that “only” 3 % of all homes in the US were victims of theft. That’s a number so high, I have real problems thinking that’s correct. I mean, even in the Bernie Goetz New York a generation back (thank you Rudy and Mike, in that order), it couldn’t have been that high, even here in the Big Apple.
    So when you use numbers that seem so skewed, why bother going on? Or do we really have break ins in about 3,000,000 or so homes?

  2. The sound of a shotgun being pumped is one of the most recognizable sounds in the criminal world. The first round in mine is loaded with rock salt. The second…well, I’ll just leave that up to imagination. “Undocumented firearms” is a term that will work it’s way into my vocabulary. My cop buddies will love that.

  3. Like the bumpersticker says:
    When guns are outlawed, only the authorities (who have proven time and again they can’t be trusted) will have them.

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